“Nothing would be more tiresome than eating
and drinking if God had not made them
a pleasure as well as a necessity…”
- Voltaire
I have a young friend finding herself at a decision-making
place in her life. Actually, I suppose,
I don’t know anybody who isn’t. Isn’t
everything about making decisions, really?
I suppose it’s just a matter of magnitude.
At any rate, it’s a professional choice. There are a number of options in front of her
and she is not completely clear what she should do. It isn’t a decision between right and wrong –
that would be a much longer topic for another time! While the decision is important, it’s more
like looking at the menu and trying to decide between the Lamb and the Beef.
What to do…
We spend a lot of our lives trying to figure out what it is
we are supposed to do with the ‘big picture’ self. I suspect for a lot of us, we actually never
find out. We just sort of show up, and
with the most modest of forethought, do whatever appears in front of us. I mean, how do we really know?
I should say in the first instance that I believe in God,
AND I believe that He has a plan for each of us…somewhat to do as a part of something
bigger. The apostle Paul would say each
of us has a gift - likened to a body part - and each gift working together makes the ‘entire body’
(mankind) function as it was intended.
In other words find that calling and work our lives in it. Finding that calling is the result of a lot
of little decisions we make.
Thinking God has a specific plan for us, however, could be seen
as hubris with a capital ‘H’…maybe even a capital ‘S!’ It does seem a little arrogant to believe the
Creator of the universe…the Author of intelligent design…the Originator of the
‘tertium quid’ (sometimes described as: beyond chance and necessity…you know
the spiritual side of things), would take the time to consider us as
individuals? I know, for many of us, it
is simply a matter of faith…a matter of acceptance. BUT is it that simple? Don’t we have some part in it? We are ‘free moral agents’ aren’t we? There is consequence to choice isn’t there? I mean, don't we at least need to look at the menu?
“Faith without works
is dead…”
Believing God has a plan for us, and actually finding out
what that plan is, are probably two completely different things. “Finding our place…” is not just a matter of
faith, it is a matter of choice...and choice is a matter of action. After
all the scripture does say, “Ask and you shall receive, seek and you will find,
knock and the door will be opened for you…” Ask, seek and knock are all action
verbs…we need to do something!
Do something…ah yes, find something to do…when all else
fails, do something! There is a reason
these action verbs are part of the center-piece of our faith, for without
asking, seeking, knocking, nothing happens.
When nothing happens things remain the same. When everything remains the same…well, you
know, they stop growing. When things stop growing they lose relevance. When things lose relevance, they die…
I’m not clear whether my young friend will choose the “…Lamb”
or “…Beef,” but I know she will make a choice.
That choice will lead to others and as long as she continues to ask the
questions, seek for the answers, and knock on the doors of the unknown, she
will continue to grow.
Pardonnez-moi, que aimez-vous pour le dîner ? – Pardon me,
what would you like for dinner?
- ted
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