Saturday, June 7, 2014

Early morning musings...

“In three words I can sum up everything
I've learned about life: it goes on.” 
Robert Frost

“But Ted,” she said with the gentlest of spirit. “The universe is so big…”

The comment wasn’t suggesting I am naive, but rather with a wistful spirit that was one of awe and respect for the magnitude of the cosmos.  This thoughtful and gentle Brazilian woman and her equally matched husband Jose, were chatting during dinner with my friend Uffe and me in Toulouse, France.

The privilege…
One of the things I have come to appreciate on my journey is the people with whom I have been privileged to meet and befriend.  In fact all three at this quiet dinner in the hotel restaurant fall into this category.  Yara is a linguist by training and had been sharing with me that regardless of the language in different countries and cultures, there are common relationships between  nouns (e.g. person, place or thing) and an verbs (action) describing something the ‘noun’ is doing: “Billy (noun) jumped (verb).”

The conversation then drifted toward life – where it might have come from and where it might be going.  Uffe and I find ourselves in this ‘topical soup’ often.  We have a different perspective of where and how, but a common and respectful sense of life. 

He sees it from the bottom up…whilst I see it from the top down.  I think he means that life probably does not come from intelligent design, but rather has emerged from an evolutionary process of lesser building blocks, from which, over time, we find ourselves, in random evolution, able to think and feel and communicate in a physical body that carries the current ‘software version’ of genetic material in our minds…that somehow all of us – whatever culture, gender or race – as human beings are much more similar than we are different, because we have developed through the same pathways.

I say, “I think” Uffe means…because as often as we have touched upon this topic – and there have been many – I am still uncertain I completely get the rationale.  It is possible that I am not clear because of my bias that life as we know it is the result of creative intelligence… that life in whatever form and however it evolves and manifests, came from a deliberate blueprint.  It is more than possible I have reached the edges of my willingness to ‘cross the line’ of my sense of the human condition.  It is more than possible that I am much less open minded than I imagine myself to be.  That, of course, I find both reinforcing and troublesome. 

Reinforcing because each time I am given the opportunity to challenge the things I believe and reflect on my life experience, I feel more confident that the ship in which I sail has fewer and fewer leaks below the waterline.  Troublesome because it is possible the more I think I exercise this thought process, I am less open and therefore, may be less able to embrace a different point of view.  

Perhaps it doesn’t matter.  Maybe like Don Quixote it is just building fences around windmills, attempting to capture the breeze.  Seeking truth may be as elusive as trying to define gravity or magnetism or love or humor…One knows these things when they experience them or see their results, but defining them is another kettle of fish!

So the story continues.  The only thing I am certain about is that I am driven to want to know and understand more about life…I am compelled to ask questions of people I meet and interact with…I feel an obligation to see what others think and what they experience, and yet the more I acquire, the more I realize how truly little I know…

“But Ted,” she said with the gentlest of spirit. "The universe is so big…”

- ted 

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