“You blows who you is.”
- Louis Armstrong,
The conference presentation had gone well.
The next day, I had a
break in the morning and the evening free. Like the famous Muffelatta sandwiches of this
town, the ‘meat’ represented the workday, but it was the two slices of 10-inch
(25.4cm) diameter focaccia like bread (my morning and evening) that turned the
day into a delicious adventure!!
It began with a trumpet player in the French Quarter and ended
with ‘dancing Bill’ at Mulate’s Cajun Restaurant…but that is a little ahead of
the story.
The morning…
I was subconsciously expecting the finish, but it didn’t
come. He held the “…heavenly…” note
nearly longer than two minutes. It
became evident I wasn’t the only one for whom this trumpet player had now taken
full attention. The chatter got quieter
as you could see people stopping the small talk, becoming mildly uncomfortable anticipating
the song’s resolution. I felt a slight
sensation of claustrophobia as I waited…and waited…and waited. Apparently this fellow could ‘nose breath’
whilst pumping out enough air to hold the note like an aboriginal didgeridoo
player – how do they do that!! Finally
when he played the last note, there was a collective sigh by almost everyone in
the place.
I settled into the Café for a morning snack. The chicory café au lait and the beignets were
delicious – sitting and watching the animated tourists at the other tables added a wide variety of people to watch – worth the price of admission. Just then, a fight broke out. It was one of those mindless pushing and
shoving matches the ‘Café’ is noted for.
Yes sir, there are few things that compare the sheer energy of pigeons
and sparrows fighting for a bit of beignet that has found its way to the
ground. Focus and unrelenting body
blocking was the key to successful acquisition of the delicacy.
As I headed through familiar back streets of the French
Quarter to the hotel for the workday, I appreciated this delightful early
morning diversion.
The day…
Work went well.
The evening…

If one had seen this man sitting on a park bench by the
river or a dinner table somewhere, it would have been easy to think he was just
marking time toward the end game of his life…waiting to take his last
breath. One might have thought that, BUT
one would have been wrong!
I knew of a place a few blocks from my hotel and headed out
to eat. As I walked by the door of
Mulate’s Cajun restaurant – on my way to somewhere else – I almost unconsciously
opened the door and wandered in. “On my
way to somewhere else…” yes indeed…distractions “on the way to somewhere else,”
are one of the hallmarks of my life!
The fellow at the front – I’m not sure I could call him a
maître de – moved me to a ‘two top’ table against a brick wall on the edge of
the restaurant. In short order, I had
ordered, gotten something to drink and settled in to do a little writing to
fill the time. When eating alone, I have
learned to take something to read or a notepad to write – the ‘by yourself’
dinner helpers. They serve me well in the awkward
time between the order and the purpose for being there.
As I sat at the table in the Cajun restaurant, a band began
to warm up. There were four of them: a
squeeze-box, drum set, violin and a spoon stroking aluminum washboard worn like
an old, well used piece of chest armor…AND they could play. As they began, traditional Cajun music
floated into the air in a surprisingly gratifying way – to the ear and
sensibility. This was a good choice!

The day...
The morning walk to Café du Monde had been on purpose. It is one of those places that not only has great coffee and beignets, but also a wonderfully entertaining atmosphere. Dinner? That was a different story. The restaurant appeared in my peripheral vision as I was headed to another place…or thought I was heading to another place.
The morning walk to Café du Monde had been on purpose. It is one of those places that not only has great coffee and beignets, but also a wonderfully entertaining atmosphere. Dinner? That was a different story. The restaurant appeared in my peripheral vision as I was headed to another place…or thought I was heading to another place.
This is not the first time I have been rewarded by driving
off the Interstate highways of life onto the back roads where the
scenery is a little more rustic and roads a little less refined. It is those ‘unguarded moments’ violating “…the
best-laid plans…” that give life its richness.
I am not clear as to what is up ahead as the years of my
life continue to slip by with ever increasing acceleration, but I know
this…there is much more happening in our peripheral vision than where we often
seem to be looking.
Mr. Armstrong was right, “You blows who you is.”
If you are not too busy eating, may I have this dance?
If you are not too busy eating, may I have this dance?
- ted
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