The more I learn, the
less I realize I know.”
- Socrates
My friend Bill and I talk about this all the time on our Saturday morning video calls. “This” being that everything we know or 'think we know' is the result of the ‘glasses’ through which we see the world and the focal point that brings clarity.
Clarity is a strange word for us because we are old fellows…me in my late 70s, he his early 80s. The unplanned topics are varied and usually lively. In our golden years (a 'lie of the devil' and patronizing expression), we talk about relevance. You know, at this time in life, how do we fit in.
On the other hand, as we continue this nearly two-decade weekly exploration of one another, the most common topic is how little we know about anything!
Time on planet influences the focal point of our lives. This is a kind of paradox because as the roots in the neural understory of our minds become more intertwined, our peripheral vision expands. This expansion opens a larger view of the universe around us, which, in turn, suggests that, in comparison to the 'what is,' we are relatively ignorant.
For some, the realization of how much there is overloads the system. It’s easier to settle in, find a comfort zone, and stop the journey. I mean — isn't enough, enough?
The danger at this point is that we accept: 'We see what we look for; we find what we know,' close our eyes and take a nap.
That would not be us.
Our weekly calls provide a barrier to entry to giving up and settling. We partner, support, explore, discuss, and share the things we continue to strive to learn…recognizing, as much as possible, the vastness of it all.
Reminders along the way…
I have lots of short sayings posted around my desk. They are there to remind me of the importance of continuing to lean into life. Here are a few brief ones worth sharing:
· “Don’t believe everything you think”
· “Beware of simple solutions”
· “Science is a process”
· “I’m sorry, I was wrong, I need help, and I don’t know”
One of my favorite postings is a chicken cartoon by Doug Savage on wisdom (
“Repeat steps 1-5 for the rest of your life.”
Yeah, that’s the ticket…heads up, look around, fall down, keep getting up, and take the next step because I'm pretty sure that chicken is right!
- ted